Portfolio Management


YNY expertise is that wherever you are in your financial journey, we provides a complete end-to-end solutions to help you become financial Independence.

At YNY Advisors, here to help money making in many ways and invest money with us, interact with us, whether one-to-one, over the phone, WhatsApp group, or online. It’s a choice to consider in light of your investment needs, financial complexities, and personal preferences.

Share Market Consultancy

Trading &Investing Course

Learning & Earning Course

Passive Income Development

YNY Consultancy

YNY having highly technical people who can help to reduce your Time, and Energy.

Fund Management Service

For  continuing your journey, a clear vision is important with peaceful mind. So for finding the right financial partner is more and more important.

Your financial knowledge, values and skills have served you well on your road to financial success.

Money Management Service

  • Asset allocation services
  • Research before Investing
  • Control Expenses

Investment Service

  • Wealth Creation
  • Diversification
  • Long Term Investments